

Monetisation in games can be unethical, predatory, and exploitative. This website highlights monetisation practices in popular games.
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Contains items that only come in bundles and can not be acquired on their own.
Includes mechanics that are intentionally slow or inconvenient, but can be bypassed with real money purchases.
Includes a limited-time always rotating store with exclusive discounts and/or cosmetics.
Often features items that can only be purchased during a limited time.
Contains one or multiple Season Passes, encouraging the purchase of unknown DLC you might never have purchased otherwise.
In-game currencies can be purchased with real life money.
Often features "discounts" that still force you to purchase premium currencies for the same amount you would without the discount.
Has a "deluxe" edition of the game which features (almost) nothing but in-game cosmetic items.
Free to play. Requires no up front payment.
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