
Apex Legends

Microtransactions in Apex Legends are summarized as...

Apex Legends contains many forms of monetization, most of which are bought with a premium currency. This currency can only be bought in inconvenient bundles where 1000 coins equals roughly 10 USD.

The primary shop rotates on a semi regular basis, but only contains a small number of items. Some of these items might never return, or might take several months for them to return. Items that are not in the shop can only be bought with "crafting materials". These can take a long time to acquire, and it's unrealistic to expect you can unlock everything (even just for a single character) without ever paying.

Progressing the Battle Pass is a slow process and requires about 1-2 hours played per day for the duration of the Battle Pass to complete it in time. This is to encourage purchasing Battle Pass levels with real money. The battle passes tends to contain quite a lot of filler.

The game contains lootboxes. These are occasionally unlock lootboxes for free as you level up. Earning these lootboxes slows down over time and eventually might never earn another lootbox.

Apex Legends often hold cosmetic events, where items can only be acquired by real money purchases, either via Premium Currencies, or via special (expensive) lootboxes. Some of these events "reward" a special cosmetic after you've unlocked everything. This usually costs around 170 USD. This special cosmetic can be acquired later through lootboxes, but the chance is incredibly small. Less than 0.2% chance, or guartanteed 500 Lootboxes.

Premium currencies come in quantities that do not match the price of regular shop items, forcing you to spend more for less.
Contains items that only come in bundles and can not be acquired on their own.
Rewards in-game items for external purchases (e.g. Twitch Prime subscriptions).
Battle Passes are timed exclusives. If you don't finish it in a given time you do not get what you paid for.
Includes a limited-time always rotating store with exclusive discounts and/or cosmetics.
Contains premium currencies that can only, or almost exclusively, be purchased with real money.
Battle Pass is extremely grindy and requires considerable time investments to complete.
Some items are locked behind the purchase of other items. (You may need to purchase an item to purchase another, or you need to purchase multiple items to unlock an extra item).
Contains cosmetics for extraordinarily high prices, sometimes costing more than full priced games.
Battle Pass levels can be purchased with real life money.
Contains lootboxes that can be bought with real money.
Often features "discounts" that still force you to purchase premium currencies for the same amount you would without the discount.
Contains one or multiple Battle Passes.
Frequently makes use of limited time events which reward free in-game items.
Has a "deluxe" edition of the game which features (almost) nothing but in-game cosmetic items.
Free to play. Requires no up front payment.
Most items that can be bought for real money can also be bought with in-game currencies.
Completing the Battle Pass will earn you enough Premium Credits to purchase the next Battle Pass.